mute does not work for chromebook
mute does not work for chromebook
It doesn't work at all, but I'll be fixing it in the upcoming 10th anniversary update. I hope you'll give it another look when it comes out.
I like it,but can you make the song loop? (Cheshyre)
I'm afraid I no longer have the .fla file and can't make any further updates.
I keep getting Page Unresponsive
YAY I CAN CHEAT!!! but make it so the cursor does not leave when you in game
1.5 stars,too hard,if I was doing this on tablet,I could not do it,make mobile controls
Nic3 6am3 (i spoke in Piconjo)
Make clinicly skinny SMB
bo ski bo! (Cool Game!)
Edit:when can i play
too hard NVM I BEAT IT
My arts are still messy,bc the touchpad I have on my pc -,-
Age 23
Friday Night Funker
Sleped in a school when I was
Joined on 2/9/21